发布日期:2023 年 07 月 11 日
生效时间:2023 年 12 月 15 日
本隐私与安全政策 ( “隐私政策”或“本政策”) 规定了当您使用我们用于提供服务的网站(www.xtransfer.cn)或任何其他网站链接(“url”)、应用程序和工具(xtransfer app) (以下统称为“我们平台”) 时,我们“xtransfer” 以及我们的子公司、 控股公司、关联公司(集团公司)如何收集、使用、 存储、共享和保护您的个人或公司信息。基于您使用的具体服务不同,可能会由不同的主体向您提供对应的服务,提供不同服务的主体我们称为相关服务方,为遵守国家法律法规及监管要求,及为向您提供服务或提升服务体验,相关服务方将收集、使用、存储、共享您个人信息及企业信息,相关服务方将按照本隐私与安全政策处理您的个人信息及企业信息。
- 您所拥有的相关权利
- xtransfer 如何收集您的信息?
- xtransfer 何时收集您的信息?
- xtransfer 收集哪些信息?
- xtransfer 如何使用您的信息?
- xtransfer 何时共享您的信息?
- xtransfer 如何保存和保护您的信息?
- xtransfer 如何保护未成年人的信息?
- xtransfer 会将您的信息保存多长时间?
- 我们隐私与安全政策的变更
- 您如何联系9728太阳集团?
- 语言
- 特别条款
- 附件一《与第三方共享个人信息清单》
- 附件二《调用设备权限清单》
2)访问权:您可以随时要求获得我们拥有的关于您的个人信息。我们将尽力在收到您请求后的 5 个工作日内回复您的询问;
5)信息删除权:您有权要求我们在法律允许的范围内删除不再需要或不再受到xtransfer 相关法律义务约束的数据或信息;
6)撤回同意:我们平台的某些功能将需要基于您授权同意提供的信息或者开启的设备 权限才能得以完成,您可以通过关闭相应业务功能的方式撤回该等同意。当您撤回同意 后,我们无法继续为您提供对应的功能,也不再处理您相应的个人信息。但您撤回同意 的决定,不会影响我们此前基于您的授权而开展的个人信息处理。
您可以通过拨打我们的客服热线400-998-9930,或通过我们的个人信息保护联系邮箱privacy@xtransfer.cn 行使您的上述权利。
xtransfer 如何收集您的信息?
我们将通过您在我们平台的注册账号及使用我们或我们集团公司或商业澳门太阳集团2007773官网的合作伙伴的服务收集您自愿提供的信息,在法律允许的条件下或基于您的授权,我们也可能会从第三方收到关于您的信息 (如营销机构、市场调查公司、我们在集团公司的供应商、承包商和顾问、 您的同事和业务联系人、公共网站和公共机构) ,以及当您使用我们的平台和服务时自动发送的信息。
我们以及我们采用的第三方服务提供商将通过cookies、网络信标和其他技术收集有关 您使用我们平台和我们服务的信息。
1)xtransfer 与第三方软件开发包(sdk)服务商的合作
为保障客户端的稳定运行、功能实现,使您能够使用和享受更多的服务及功能,我们的应用中会嵌入授权澳门太阳集团2007773官网的合作伙伴的sdk或其他类似的应用程序,您可以通过附件一《与第三方共享个人信息清单》查看我们接入授权澳门太阳集团2007773官网的合作伙伴的sdk详情。我们会对授权澳门太阳集团2007773官网的合作伙伴获取有关信息的应用程序接口 (api) 、软件工具开发包 (sdk) 进行严格的安全检测,并与授权澳门太阳集团2007773官网的合作伙伴约定严格的数据保护措施,令其按照本政策以及其他任何相关的保密和安全措施来处理个人信息。如您发现这些sdk 或其他类似的应用程序存在风险时,建议您立即终止相关操作并及时与我们取得联系。
2)xtransfer 如何使用 cookies
cookies 是我们通过您的网络浏览器传输到您的计算机硬盘驱动器上的字母数字标识符, 用于保存记录,收集的信息(包括但不限于:您的ip地址(及域名)、浏览器软件、浏览器类型及配置、语言设置、地理位置、操作系统、参考网站、所浏览的网页及内容等),将被用于确保我们网站的运作及确保您安全地登录,并用于汇编有关访客如何到达及浏览我们网站的统计资料,以加强及优化网页,以及帮助我们了解如何改善你的浏览体验,并通过了解和记住您的特定浏览偏好,在未来为您提供量身定制的体验。您可以编辑您的浏览器选项,以便屏蔽cookies。我们网站的访问者如果将网络浏览器设置为不接受 cookies,仍然可以浏览我们的网站。但如果您禁用了所有 cookies (包括必需的cookies) ,大部分网站功能将无法正常工作,甚至可能无法登录使用9728太阳集团的服务。可以在我们的cookie 政策中找到更多信息。
xtransfer 何时收集您的信息?
xtransfer 收集目的及收集哪些信息?
在您注册 xtransfer 账户时, 您需要向我们提供手机号码/电子邮件信息并设置密码用以创建 xtransfer 账户 ,我们将通过发送短信验证码/验证邮件的方式来验证您的信息是否有效。
登录 xtransfer 账户后,您可以自主完善输入您的电话、联系地址及其他个人信息。 在完成注册后,使用我们服务之前,您需要进行企业认证,在进行企业认证时,您需要向我们提供企业基本信息,企业证照,以及企业相关自然人 (包含法人、董事、实 控人、最终受益人和被授权人) 的身份信息,包括姓名、身份证号,身份证件及相关证照的影印件或照片。
为向您提供收款服务,当您收到款项后需提供贸易相关的材料(包括合同或发票等), 以完成款项入账的操作。如因风险合规审查的需要,我们会根据具体情况要求您提供更多的交易相关信息。
为实现结汇提现的功能,您需先进行绑定结汇提现账户的操作,这需提供您的 财务信息 (包括借记卡或银行账户信息)。除您的财务信息和收款时提供的贸易相关材料以外,您需根据发货情况提供交易相关的物流单据或物流相关支持资料。如因风险合规审查的需要,我们会根据具体情况要求您提供更多的交易相关信息。
为实现普通提现的功能,贵方需先进行绑定普通提现账户的操作, 这需提供贵方绑定的普通提现账户的财务信息(包括借记卡或银行账户信息)。
(2) 优化服务体验、客服、用户权益保障
出于优化您在我们服务体验的目的,更好地为您提供客户服务以及保障您作为用户所能享有的权益之目的,我们可能收集您的下列信息,如您不提供或不同意我们留存前述信息,我们可能无法提供与优化服务体验、客服及用户权益保障相关的部分服务, 但不影响您使用我们的其他服务。
我们和我们的第三方服务提供商可能收集以下信息: 您的域名、您的浏览器类型和操作 系统、您的互联网协议 (ip) 地址、您访问我们网站或使用我们服务的持续时间、您在 我们网站上的活动,以及将您引导到我们网站的引用 url 或网页。
当您联系9728太阳集团的客服以获得我们的客户服务时,您还需要提供您的xtransfer 账户信息(包括电话号码、公司基本信息、您的职位等),和相关交易信息来核实您的身份。同时为保证服务质量、保障平台用户权益、防止欺诈,以及检查您在客服服务过程中提供的信息准确性,我们将对您接听和拨打我们的客服电话的通话进行录音,您通过在线客服进行的聊天信息也会被收集。在某些特定情形下,基于核实交易背景及帮助您完成收款,我们可能会收集法定代表人配偶的姓名、身份证号和银行账户信息。
(3) 为提供附加功能而调用的设备权限
为向您提供便捷、优质的服务,我们可能会调用您设备上的一些权限。在您使用相应功 能时会看到弹窗提醒,询问您是否授权。您可以在移动设备的设置功能中选择关闭部分 或全部权限。基于不同的移动设备操作系统,上述权限的开启和关闭方式可能有所不同, 具体请参考设备及系统开发方的说明或指引。关于9728太阳集团调取您设备权限的具体情况,详 见后文附件二《调用设备权限清单》。
除此以外,我们还可能需要贵方提供更多商业和/或身份信息,例如, 如果您发送或接收某些高价值或高额交易,或根据遵守适用法律规定的反洗钱义务的需要。
在您使用9728太阳集团的服务期间,如果向我们提供任何个人 (除您以外) 的个人数据,贵方保证已经获得了相关个人的同意向我们披露他/她的个人数据,并且他/她同意我们出于本隐私政策规定的目的收集、使用和披露这些个人数据。
xtransfer 如何使用您的信息?
- 验证您的身份;
- 为了行使与双方合同相关的我们的权利并履行我们的义务,处理或管理您的账户,与您沟通关于9728太阳集团的服务或任何服务条款和条件变更的相关情况;
- 实现您具体向我们提供信息的目的,包括对您的询问做出回复、提供您要求的信息以及提供客户9728太阳集团的服务支持等;
- 对我们向您发送或展示的内容及信息进行定制化,以及以其他方式向您提 供在使用我们网站和服务时的个性化管理我们的内部运营服务,包括用于故障排除、数据分析、测试、研究、统计和调查目的;
- 管理我们的内部运营服务,包括用于故障排除、数据分析、测试、研究、统计和调查目的;
- 保护我们的客户、员工和公司财产——例如,对涉及我们或与我们开展业务的其他公司的欺诈、骚扰或其他类型的非法活动进行调查;
- 遵守外任何适用的法律和/或监管规定;
- 向您发送服务进展或结果通知,如收款通知;
- 向您提供或允许选定第三方向您提供我们认为您可能感兴趣的商品或服务信息;
- 用于与上述各项直接相关或附带的目的。
xtransfer 何时共享您的信息?
- 与我们的集团公司,为了提供服务或进行通常的技术活动,我们在必要时与我们的集团公司共享个人资料。我们将采取合理的保护措施确保您个人信息安全,只有出于我们的履行服务及协议或执行业务目的需要访问信息的个体才能访问个人资料。
- 与商业澳门太阳集团2007773官网的合作伙伴,为履行和执行9728太阳集团的服务或协议,我们可能会与我们的业务澳门太阳集团2007773官网的合作伙伴(如银行、支付机构等)共享某些客户的数据(如公司基本信息、银行账户信息等)。此种情况下我们数据共享的接收方决定于您对服务或特定业务的选择,我们将不会与您前述业务无关的接收方进行数据共享,并且我们会与共享的合作伙 伴签署严格的保密协定,要求他们按照我们的隐私政策以及采取严格的数据安全措施来处理和使用数据。您的某些服务将由第三方提供,在此情形下,我们需将您的个人信息共享才能向您提供相关服务。
- 与相关机构,有权对xtransfer进行检查的机构基于其法律义务可能向我们提出提供信息的要求,我们可能会根据该等要求向监管机构提供个人信息。我们可能基于遵循法律的要求或出于保护xtransfer或其他实体或个人权利和财产的目的提供个人资料,例如向法院或执法机构提供。
- 保护我们与其他人,我们若认为有必要调查、防止非法活动、疑似欺诈、对我们服务条款和条件或本隐私政策的违反或就其采取行动,或作为涉及我们的 诉讼证据时,我们可能会披露您的信息;
- 与广告主、媒体等澳门太阳集团2007773官网的合作伙伴共享,我们可能会与前述澳门太阳集团2007773官网的合作伙伴合作以多种形式将经过处理后的脱敏数据用于包括优化广告投放和提升营销效果等的商业化使用之目的。除非得到您的授权,否则我们不会将您的个人身份信息向澳门太阳集团2007773官网的合作伙伴分享。我们会向这些澳门太阳集团2007773官网的合作伙伴提供有关广告投放人群策略数据或广告主广告效果的数据,而不会提供任何个人身份信息,或者我们将这些信息进行汇 总处理,以便它无法作身份识别;
- 协助我们改进和优化我们网站的分析和搜索引擎提供商;
- 与潜在的收购者或投资者共享,如果涉及我们全部或部分资产的合并、收购或出售,我们将通过电子邮件、账户消息和/或我们平台上的显著通知的方式通知您关于您的个人资料所有权或使用的任何变化,以及您对个人资料享有的相关权利;
我们在中华人民共和国境内运营中收集和产生的关于您的个人信息,将存储在中国境内第三方的云服务器上,基于提供服务的必要,我们可能向中国大陆地区以外的商业澳门太阳集团2007773官网的合作伙伴或我们的集团公司共享您的信息,前述共享将在您开通具体服务时获取您的授权,您可在具体开通服务的界面知悉您信息的接收方。 我们在满足法律法规相关规定和要求的前提下,且将尽商业合理上的最大努力采取措施确保您的信息转移披露是符合当地法律法规的要求,同时,我们也将采取合理必要的一切步骤(包括但不限于加密传输、限制可访问范围、与数据接收方签订数据处理协议或者含有数据处理条款的合作协议以明确双方数据保护责任义务等),确保您的个人信息得到安全处理,并符合本隐私政策的保护约定。
xtransfer 如何保存和保护您的信息?
我们将严格遵守相关法律法规,尊重并保护用户的个人隐私,除了在与用户签署的隐私保护 协议和网站服务条款以及其他公布的准则规定的情况下,未经用户授权不随意公布和泄露用户个人身份信息。
我们采取符合业界标准的物理、电子和管理方面的安全措施来保护您的个人信息安全。我们通过建立数据分级管理、系统安全管理、数据安全开发规范来管理规范信息的存储和使用。 我们通过与信息接触者签署保密协议、完善监控和内部管理制度来对数据进行全面安全控制。
我们会采取一切合理可行的措施,保护您的个人信息。例如,在您的浏览器与xtransfer 之间交换数据时受 ssl 加密保护;使用加密技术确保数据的保密性;使用双因素验证保护 账户安全;通过受信赖的保护机制防止账户遭到恶意攻击;定期对相关人员进行网络信息安全培训并进行考核,使网站相关管理人员充分认识到网络安全的重要性,严格遵守相应规章制度。
您有义务保护您的账号及密码,不向任何第三人透露、提供、出借、转让您的账号及密码,如您不慎泄露登陆账号和密码,应当及时通过我们网站公布的方式或拨打客服电话联系9728太阳集团并告知我们, 以便我们锁定相关的操作权限,防止他人非法操作;在您提供有效身份证明和相关凭据并经我们审查核实后, 您可以重新设定密码并恢复正常使用。
对于经父母或监护人同意使用我们的产品或服务而收集未成年人个人信息的情况,我们只会在法律法规允许、父母或监护人明确同意或者保护未成年人所必要的情况下使用、 共享、转让或披露此信息。如果我们了解到平台收集的未成年人的个人信息未获得可证实的父母或监护人的同意, 我们会设法尽快对相关数据采取适当处理。
xtransfer 会将您的信息保存多长时间?
根据相关法律规定,在您关闭您的平台账户之后, xtransfer 仍需存储一些您的个人和交易数据。您的数据只会基于必要情况依据法律法规或监管要求在内部访问,并且只有在绝对必要的情况下才将对其进行访问或处理。自 xtransfer 与您终止业务关系之日起或自xtransfer 为您提供的单次服务结束之日起,您的信息将会被保存七年。当您或与您相关的交易涉及反洗钱或反恐融资等法律调查或诉讼,并且相关法律调查或诉讼在满七年保存期限之时仍未完结,相关的信息将会被保存至该调查或诉讼结束。
您有权注销 xtransfer 账户,您可以提前 30 日通过您的注册邮箱向我们发送注销通知,并备注注销原因至 service@xtransfer.cn,我们将在收到后处理您的注销通知之日起15天内进行处理并向您回复处理结果。
集团公司,指 xtransfer limited,及我们不时在特定服务界面展示的主体。
(1) 我们根据香港特别行政区法例第486章《个人资料(私隐)条例》(“条例”)收集及处理您的个人资料(信息)。本政策中使用的“信息(资料)”、“个人信息(个人资料)”“处理”、“披露”均按照条例所给出的定义使用。
(2) 直接营销
(3) 资料传输和全球处理
(4) 个人资料保留
(5) 资料主体权利
(6) 联系信息
xtransfer limited
address: 6/f, bank of america center, 12 harcourt road, central, hong kong
email: privacy@xtransfer.com
(7) 定义
我们,指xtransfer limited。
编号 | sdk 名称 | 所属机构 | sdk 用途 | sdk 收集的个人信息 | 隐私权政策链接 |
1. | 友盟 sdk | 友盟同欣(北 京)科技有限公司 | 基础包、推送、分享、统计 | 设备信息(imei/android id/idfa/ openudid/guid、您分享的社交账号发布信息、sim 卡 imsi 信息/地理位置等) | https://www.umeng.com/page/policy |
2. | 小米推送 | 小米科技有限责任公司 | 消息推送 | 设备信息、网络类型、设备型号、应用信息 | https://privacy.mi.com/all/zh_cn/ |
3. | vivo 推送 | 广东步步高电子工业有限公司 | 消息推送 | 设备信息、设备型号 | http://www.vivo.com.cn/about-vivo/privacy-policy |
4. | 魅族推送 | 珠海市魅网科技有限公司 | 消息推送 | 设备信息、定位、应用信息、网络类型、设备型号 | https://www.meizu.com/legal.html |
5. | 华为推送 | 华为技术有限公司 | 消息推送 | 设备信息、网络类型、设备型号、应用信息 | https://www.umeng.com/page/policy |
6. | oppo 推送 | oppo 广东移动通信有限公司 | 消息推送 | 设备信息、设备型号 | https://privacy.oppo.com/cn/policy/ |
7. | 微信开放平台 | 腾讯科技(深圳)有限公司 | 微信授权登录、微信分享、微信支付、微信收藏 | 设备信息(imei、imsi、mac 地址、androidid )、网络信息、微信账号信息 | https://privacy.qq.com/policy/tencent-privacypolicy |
8. | 阿里播放器 | 阿里云计算有限公司 | 视频播放服务 | uuid、设备型号、ip地址 | https://terms.aliyun.com/legal-agreement/terms/suit_bu1_ali_cloud/suit_bu1_ali_cloud202112151438_20307.html?spm=a2c4g.11186623.0.0.10da5ff2m0jmcp |
9. | 网易易盾号码认证sdk | 杭州网易智企科技有限公司 | 唯一设备识别码(uuid ),设备基本信息(设备品牌及型号,设备厂商,设备所运行系统版本,名称,系统内核信息,设备cpu架构)、日志信息(网络连接状态及类型,ip地址,dns,运营商信息) | uuid、设备型号、ip地址 | https://dun.163.com/clause/privacy |
10. | 顶象设备指纹sdk | 北京顶象技术有限公司 | 设备指纹生成 | 设备相关的浏览器信息,canvas指纹,ip地址(经用户授权后获取) | https://www.dingxiang-inc.com/docs/detail/const-id#doc-h2-3 |
1. 为保障 xtransfer app 功能实现与安全稳定运行/为您提供个性化服务的目的,我 们可能会申请调用您某些移动设备的权限。
2. 本清单将展示我们可能申请调用的您的移动设备权限。随着 xtransfer app/我们功 能的升级,如申请或使用的设备权限类型与目的发生变动,我们将及时更新列表。
3. 请您知悉,我们接入的第三方 sdk 也可能会申请调用某些设备权限。
android 设备权限 | 使用目的 |
摄像头 | 用于身份证识别、识别二维码、人脸识别、上传用户资料、录像、拍 照,扫一扫、在线客服功能。 |
相册 | 用于上传用户资料、人脸识别,开户、在线客服功能。 |
通讯录 | 用于图片加载 |
短信 | 用于自动检测验证码功能。 |
网络通讯 | 用于与服务端进行通讯功能。 |
设备信息(电话状态) | 用于保障账户、交易安全以及交易风控保障功能。 |
ios 系统设备权限清单
ios 设备权限 | 使用目的 |
摄像头 | 用于身份证识别、识别二维码、人脸识别、上传用户资料、录像、拍 照,扫一扫、在线客服功能。 |
相册 | 用于上传用户资料、人脸识别,开户、在线客服功能。 |
网络通讯 | 用于与服务端进行通讯功能。 |
privacy and security policy
release date: july 11,2023
effective date: december 15,2023
your privacy rights
this privacy and security policy ("privacy policy" or “this policy”) sets out the basis on which we, together with our subsidiaries, our holding company, subsidiaries of our holding company (our group) from time to time, collectively called "xtransfer", "our", "us" or "we") collect, use, store, share and protect your personal or company information as you use our website (www.xtransfer.cn) or any other uniform resource locators ("url"), application and tools (collectively, the "our platform") through or on which we provide services offered to you (the "services") when you share information with us, for example by registering for an xtransfer account, we can make that service experience even better. by using our services, you accept and consent to the practices set out below and at the .there may be different service providers for the corresponding services on our platform, all service providers refer to as relevant parties hereinafter.for the purposes of complying with applicable laws and regulations and providing service to you as you required, relevant parties collect, use, store, share and protect your personal or company information pursuant to this policy.
we strongly suggest you to read this policy carefully and prudently since what stated in this policy is very important to your rights and benefit.we ask for your attention to important provisions which shall materially affect your benefit, obligation or responsibilities by virtue of bold and underlining provisions aforementioned, if you have any question, please contact us through contact information stated in this policy.
privacy policy will help you understand the following content:
- your rights
- how does xtransfer collect your information?
- when does xtransfer collect your information?
- what information does xtransfer collect?
- how does xtransfer use your information?
- when does xtransfer share your information?
- how does xtransfer store and protect your information?
- how does xtransfer protect the information of minors?
- how long does xtransfer store your data?
- changes to our privacy and security policy
- how to contact us?
- language
- definition
- clauses for our service on hong kong platform
- annex 1《list of third parties we share personal information with》
- annex 2《invocation list of device permission》
your rights include:
i. right to access: you can ask details of your personal information we hold about you at any time. we will endeavor to respond to your query within 5 business days of receiving your request;
ii.right to update: if you find out any inaccuracy or incompleteness for your personal data that we hold for you, you are responsible to update the information online through your account access. if case of problems accessing your account or changing online, please inform us and we will update our records accordingly;
iii.right to stop marketing: you have the right to ask us not to use your personal information for marketing purposes or expressly let us know that you do not wish to receive any further communication from us by contacting at privacy@xtransfer.cn ;
iv. right to data portability: you have a right to ask us to provide your personal information to another data controller, for e.g. a third-party provider of services;
v. right to delete your information: you have the right to ask us to delete your data when it is no longer necessary, or no longer subject to a legal obligation to which xtransfer is subject to, or to have any obsolete information removed;
vi.withdrawal of consent: certain functions of our platform will be performed based on the information you have agreed to provide or the device permissions you have authorized, you can withdraw such consent by turning off the corresponding functions. after you withdraw your consent, we will not be able to continue to provide you with the corresponding functions, and we will no longer process your corresponding personal information. however, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect our previous processing activities of personal information based on your previous authorization.
please contact us via our service hotline of 400-998-9930 or our privacy protection email of privacy@xtransfer.cn to exercise your rights.
how does xtransfer collect your information?
we collect information directly from you on the basis of you submit your personal information or relevant data through the process you register, login and use services provided on our platform , and we may also receive information about you from third parties (e.g., marketing agencies, market research companies, our suppliers, contractors and consultants at our group companies, your colleagues and business contacts, public websites and public agencies)under appproval by laws and regulations or from your consent, or we collect your information automatically, when you use our website and the services.
we, and our third party service providers,automatically collect your information about your use of our platform and our services through cookies, web beacons, and other technologies.
1)cooperation between xtransfer and third -party software development kit (sdk) service providers
in order to ensure the stable operation of the client and the realization of functions, so that you can use and enjoy more services and functions, our application will embed the sdk of authorized partners or other similar applications. you can use the "third party sdk directory" (see attachment 1) view the sdk details of our authorized partners. we will conduct more stringent security tests on the application programming interface (api) and software tool development kit (sdk) for authorized partners to obtain relevant information, and agree strict data protection measures with authorized partners to comply with this policy and other any relevant confidentiality and security measures to handle personal information. if you find that these sdks or other similar applications are at risk, it is recommended that you immediately terminate the relevant operations and get in touch with us in time.
2)how does xtransfer use cookies?
cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer’s hard drive through your web browser for record-keeping purposes and in order to offer you a more tailored experience in the future, by understanding and remembering your particular browsing preferences. the information collected by cookie including but not limited to: your ip addresses (and domain names), browser software, types and configurations of your browser, language settings, geo-locations, operating systems, referring website, pages and content viewed, etc. you can edit your browser options to block cookies. visitors to our website who disable their web browsers’ ability to accept cookies will still be able to browse our website. however, most website features will not function correctly, if you disable all cookies (including essential cookies) and you may not even be able to login to use our services. more information can be found in our cookie policy.
when does xtransfer collect your information?
we may collect and store any information you provide us when you use our services, including when you add information on a web form, add or update your account information, participate in dispute resolutions, or when you otherwise correspond with us regarding our services.
what information does xtransfer collect?
(1) realize the necessary functions of our products or services
when you use our products or services, you may need to provide or authorize us to collect your personal information required for the corresponding products or services in the following conditions. if you refuse to provide information required for some functions or services, you may not be able to access to these functions or services, but it will not affect your normal use of our other functions or services.
registration and certification
when you register for an xtransfer account, you need to provide us with your mobile phone number/email information and set a password to create an xtransfer account. we will verify whether your information is valid by sending a sms verification code/verification email.
after logging in to your xtransfer account, you can independently complete and enter your phone number, contact address and other personal information. after completing the registration and before using our services, you also need to complete the corporate certification. when performing corporate certification,you need to provide us with basic corporate information, corporate license and the identity information as well as the photocopy or photo of the relevant license of the corporate-related natural person(s) (including legal person, director, actual controller, the ultimate beneficiary and the authorized person) .
payment collection
in order to provide you with payment collection services, you need to provide trade-related materials (including contracts or invoices, etc.) to credit the payment. if required for risk compliance review, we may request you to provide more transaction-related information based on specific circumstances.
settlement of exchange and payment withdrawal
in order to realize the function of settlement of exchange and payment withdrawal, you must first bind your settlement and withdrawal account, which requires your financial information (including debit card or bank account information). in addition to your financial information and trade-related materials provided at the time of payment, you need to provide transaction-related logistics documents or logistics-related supporting materials based on the delivery situation. if required for risk compliance review, we will request you to provide more transaction-related information based on specific circumstances.
ordinary payment withdrawal
in order to realize the function of ordinary payment withdrawal, you need to bind your ordinary withdrawal account first, which needs to provide your financial information (including debit card or bank account information) of the aforesaid ordinary withdrawal account.
in order to realize the function of transfer, you are required to provide the bank account information of the transferee and related business information.
2) optimize of service experience, customer service, protection of user rights and interests
for the purpose of optimizing your service experience on our platform, providing you with better customer service and protecting your rights as our user, we may collect the following information about you, in case that you do not provide or agree with our retention of the aforementioned information, we may not be able to provide you with certain services related to the optimization of service experience, customer service and user rights protection, but it will not affect your use of our other services.
optimize of service experience
we and our third-party service providers may collect the following information from you: your domain name,your browser type and operating system, your internet protocol (ip) address, the duration of your visit to our website or use of our services, your activities on our website, and the referring urls or pages that lead you to our website.
communications of customer service
in case that you contact our customer service to obtain our customer service, you also need to provide your xtransfer account information(your name, information of your company,your entitlement) and related transaction information to verify your identity. meanwhile, in order to ensure the quality of service, protect the rights and interests of our users, prevent fraud, and check the accuracy of the information you provide in the process of our customer service, we will record the calls you receive and make to our customer service hotline . the chat history information between you and our online customer service will also be collected.in order to realize the function of special settlement of exchange and payment withdrawal, we may collect name, id number and bank account information of legal representative’s spouse.
protection of user rights and interests
from time to time, we may collect feedback/recommendations information or the information you provided during reporting.
(3) device permissions invoked to provide additional functions
in order to provide you with convenient and high-quality services, we may need to invoke some permissions on your device. when you use the corresponding function, you will see a pop-up reminder asking you whether to authorize it. you can choose to turn off some or all permissions in the settings of your mobile device. based on different mobile device operating systems, the opening and closing methods of the above permissions may be different. for details, please refer to the instructions or guidelines of the device and system developers. if you would like to see more details on our access to your device permissions, please refer to the appendix 2 "invocation list of device permission".
besides, we may also need additional commercial and/or identification information from you e.g. if you send or receive certain high-value or high-volume transactions or as needed to comply with our anti-money laundering obligations under applicable law.
in providing the personal data of any individual (other than yourself) to us during your use of our services, you promise that you have obtained consent from such individual to disclose his/her personal data to us, as well his/her consent to our collection, use and disclosure of such personal data, for the purposes set out in this privacy policy.
how does xtransfer use your information?
our primary purpose in collecting personal information is to provide you with a secure, smooth, efficient, and customized experience. we may use your personal information:
- to validate your identity;
- to exercise our rights and perform our obligations relating to your contract with us,and to process and administer your xtransfer account
- to communicate with you about our services or any changes in the service’ s terms and conditions that apply to you;
- for the specific purposes you provide the information to us, including to respond to your queries, to provide any information that you request, and to provide customer support;
- to tailor the content and information that we may send or display to you, and to otherwise personalize your experiences while using our website and our services;
- to administer our services for internal operations, including troubleshooting, dataanalysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes;
- to protect our customers, employees or property — for instance, to investigate fraud, harassment or other types of unlawful activities involving us or other companies that we do business with;
- to comply with any applicable legal and/or regulatory requirements
- to provide you, or permit selected third parties to provide you, with information about goods or services we feel may interest you.
- for purposes directly related or incidental to the above.
when does xtransfer share your information?
as a global company, xtransfer may share data with its group of companies, business partners, or government authorities, etc. xtransfer applies caution when contracting with data processors, performs the relevant activities and puts all the safeguards in place, as required to comply with applicable laws and regulation. we share your information with relevant parties for the following reasons:
(1)with group of companies
we share your information with our affiliates as necessary to provide the services or perform usual technological activities. personal data shared within our group of companies are granted a strict level of protection. access to personal data within our group of companies is restricted to those individuals who need to access the information for our business purposes or service provision.
(2)with business partners
we may share certain clients’ data (such as basic corporate information, bank account information, etc.) with our business partners (such as bank, payment institution, etc).the recipients are restricted to necessary for service provision, and we will not share your information with any person which is irrelevant to servcice. in addition, we will sign strict confidentiality agreements with business partners that we shared your information with, requiring them to process and use data in accordance with this policy and take strict data.
(3)with government authorities
we may provide personal data to government authorities as requested by public authorities, auditors or institutions competent to exercise inspections on xtransfer, based on their legal obligations, which may ask us to provide information. in addition, we may provide personal data to comply with a legal requirement or to protect the rights and assets of xtransfer or other entities or people, such as courts of law, or enforcement authorities.
(4)to protect us and others
we may disclose your information when we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, violations of our services’ terms and conditions or this policy, or as evidence in litigation in which we are involved.
(5)with advertisers, media and other partners
we may cooperate with the aforementioned partners to use the processed desensitization data in various forms for commercial purposes including optimizing advertising and improving marketing effects. unless authorized by you, we will not share your personal information with these partners. we will provide these partners with data on the population strategy of advertising or the effectiveness of advertising instead of any personal information, or we will aggregate these personal information to make them unrecognizable.
(6)with analytic and search engine providers
we may disclose your information to analytic and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimization of our platform.
(7)with potential acquirers or investors
if we are involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, you will be notified via email, account message and/or a prominent notice on our platform of any change in ownership or uses of your personal data, as well as any choices you may have regarding personal data.
the data that we collect from you will be stored on a third -party cloud server in mainland china. for the purposes of service provision your data may be transferred to our business partners and/or our group company and stored at a destination outside mainland china in terms of your consent at the time you apply to corresponding services, and you will see the information of recipient and/or transferee during your application of relevant services. we take all necessary and reasonable actions required by laws to ensure your data transfer comply with requirements by laws of destination, and we will take all reasonable measures (including encryption transmission, access limitation, requiring transferee to undertake data protection obligation by data process agreements and/or clauses) to process and secure your information pursuant to this policy.
how does xtransfer store and protect your information?
protection of your personal information
we will strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations to respect and protect users’ privacy rights. unless in accordance with xtransfer general user terms and conditions, privacy and security policy, website terms of use, and other published guidelines on our platform, we will not disclose and reveal your personal information without your authorization.
technical measures and data security measures
we take security measures in respect of physical, electronic, and management that comply with industry standards to protect your personal information. we manage the storage and use of standardized information by establishing data hierarchical management, system security management, and data security development specifications. we conduct comprehensive security control of data by signing confidentiality agreements with information receivers, completing monitoring and internal management systems.
we will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information. for example, the data exchange between your browser and xtransfer is protected by ssl encryption; encryption technology is used to ensure the confidentiality of data; two-factor authentication is used to protect account security; a trusted protection mechanism is used to prevent malicious attacks on accounts; conduct network information security training and assessment regularly for relevant personnel to make them fully realize the importance of network security and strictly abide by corresponding rules and regulations.
safety certification
we have passed the third-level information security level protection certification of the ministry of public security, and have established a sound communication mechanism with regulatory agencies and third-party evaluation agencies to provide all-round protection for your information security.
you are obligated to protect your user account and password, including but not limited to not to disclose, provide, lend, transfer your account and/or password to any third person. if you accidentally disclose your user account and password, you shall contact us through contact information stated in this policy as soon as possible for us to lock the user’ s operating authority timely to prevent any third -party from illegal operation. besides, you can reset your password and resume to normal use after providing valid identification and relevant credentials which have been reviewed and verified by us.
how does xtransfer protect the information of minors?
we attach great importance to the protection of minors' personal information, and the services of our platform are mainly for adults. if you are a minor, it is recommended for your parents or guardians to read this policy and you can only use our services or provide us with your information after the consent of your parents or guardians. if your guardian does not agree that you use our services or provide us with information in accordance with this policy, please stop using our services immediately and notify us as soon as possible so that we can take corresponding measures. we will ensure the confidentiality and security of minors' personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
for minors' personal information collected during the use of our products or services with the consent of parents or guardians, we will only use, share, transfer or disclose such information if it is permitted by laws and regulations, there is express consent of parents or guardians or it is necessary to protect minors.
if we find out that the personal information of minors collected by the platform has not obtained the consent of a verifiable parent or guardian, we will try to take appropriate measures to process the relevant data as soon as possible.
how long does xtransfer store your data?
as a regulated financial institution, xtransfer is required by law to store some of your personal and transaction data beyond the closure of your account with us. your data is only accessed internally on a need to know basis, and it will only be accessed or processed if absolutely necessary. your information shall be kept for seven years from the year when the business relationship is terminated or the year when the one-off service is ended. where you or your transaction(s) are involved with investigation (such as anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing) or other legal actions, and if such investigation or legal action is still on-going upon the expiration of seven years, the related information will be kept until the end of such investigation/legal action.
we always delete information that we no longer need. and everything we need to keep is subject to the highest levels of security.
changes to our privacy and security policy
we may amend this privacy policy at any time by posting a revised version on our platform and, where appropriate, by notifying you in the forms of e-mail, text messages or pages pop up. the revised version will be effective as of the published effective date. you can find the relevant content of this policy at any time through "settings-about us-privacy and security policy".
how to contact us?
if you have any questions, comments or suggestions about our privacy and security policy or data processing, you can contact us by email or phone. our contact information is as follows, we will contact you and respond to your inquiry, request or complaint within 15 days upon we receive inquiry, request or complaint from you :
phone: 400-998-9930
email: privacy@xtransfer.cn
you have the right to cancel your xtransfer account by sending us a cancellation application 30 days in advance through your registered email address with the reason of cancellation to service@xtransfer.cn. we will process your cancellation request and provide you our response in 15 days.
this policy is displayed in both english and chinese version.
(1)we, means
shanghai duohui network technology co., ltd.,
shanghai duohui network technology co., ltd.
(2)our group, means
xtransfer limited, and the person displayed on our platform for relevant services.
(3)relevant parties, means the person displayed on our platform for specific services or business.
(4)business partners,means the person you select for specific business and/or service, or the person who collects your information for purposes of service provision.
(5)identity information, means your name, id number, id card, passport number, passport, entitlement, certificate, and/or copies of aforementioned.
14.clauses for our service on hong kong platform
if you are a user in hong kong, or you go to our hong kong platform to use our services and/or functions through our platform in mainland china, the clauses stated below shall apply to you.
(1)we collect and process your personal data in compliance with the personal data (privacy) ordinance, chapter 486 of the laws of the hong kong special administrative region ( “ordinance”). terms like “data”, “personal data”, “data user”, “processing”, “disclose” and other terms defined by the ordinance are used in this policy in accordance with the definitions given by the ordinance.
(2)use of personal data for direct marketing purposes
in addition to the purposes set out above, you agree where permitted by law, xtransfer may use your name and contact details for promotional or marketing purposes including sending you promotional emails and conducting direct marketing in relation to our products, services, or activities or, as appropriate, those of our affiliates or other companies with whom we have partnered.
you agree for the purposes of direct marketing, we may, where permitted by law, provide your personal information to marketing and call center providers so that they can send you promotional materials and conduct direct marketing in relation to our services (these materials may be sent to you by sms, email or other means).
before using or providing your personal data for the purposes and to the transferees set out in this section, we may be required by law to obtain your written consent, and in such cases, only after having obtained such written consent, may we use and provide your personal data for any promotional or marketing purpose.
if your consent is required, and you provide such consent, you may thereafter withdraw your consent to the use and provision to a third party by xtransfer of your personal data for direct marketing purposes and thereafter xtransfer shall cease to use or provide such data for direct marketing purposes.
if you have provided consent and wish to withdraw it or if you prefer not to receive marketing communications from us in any form, please contact us as described in this policy.
(3)data transfers and global processing
due to the nature of our global business and the technologies required, your personal data may be transferred to third-party service providers outside hong kong. we are committed to take all reasonably necessary steps and exercise all due diligence to make sure all personal data collected, held, stored, used, or otherwise processed outside hong kong are treated securely, in accordance with this policy and in compliance with the ordinance.
(4)personal data retention
we will store your personal data for a limited period of time, as necessary to achieve the purposes of the personal data processing, as described in this policy, and in accordance with our legal and contractual obligations, or industry practices.
once the retention period expires for a specific category of data, xtransfer will delete, archive, anonymize or destroy it, in accordance with our internal policies and procedures, unless prohibited by the ordinance or other applicable law.
you may request to have your personal data deleted at any time by contacting us using the contact details as described in this policy.
(5)data subject rights
you have the following rights with respect to your personal data under the ordinance, which you may exercise at any time by contacting us using the contact details as described below.
verify whether xtransfer holds any personal data about you and to access any such data;
require xtransfer to correct any personal data relating to you which is inaccurate; withdraw your consent for use or provision of personal data for direct marketing; make a complaint about xtransfer’s data processing; andenquire about xtransfer’s policies and practices in relation to personal data. requests for access, correction, complaints, or other queries relating to your personal data should be addressed to the contact details as described in this policy. under applicable laws and regulations, xtransfer has the right to charge costs which are directly related to and necessary for the processing of any personal data request.
(6)contact information
if you want to exercise your rights as set out in this policy, or have any queries regarding this policy or our processing of personal data, please contact us at: xtransfer limited address: 6/f, bank of america center, 12 harcourt road, central, hong kong email: privacy@xtransfer.com
1)we, means
xtransfer limited
2)our group, means
shanghai duohui network technology co., ltd.,
shanghai duohui network technology co., ltd.
and the person displayed on our platform for relevant services.
3)relevant parties, means the person displayed on our platform for specific services or business.
4)business partners,means the person you select for specific business and/or service, or the person who collects your information for purposes of service provision.
5)identity information, means your name, id number, id card, passport number, passport, entitlement, certificate, and/or copies of aforementioned.
annex 1
no. | name of sdk | affiliation | usage of sdk | personal information collected by sdk | link of privacy policy |
1. | umeng sdk | umeng tongxin (beijing) technology co., ltd. | basic package, push, share, statistics | device information (imei/android id/idfa/openudi d/guid、posted information of shared social media account、sim card imsi information/geogr aphic location and so on) | https://www.umeng.com/page/policy |
2. | xiaomi push | xiaomi technology co., ltd. | message push | device information, network type, device model, application information | https://privacy.mi .com/all/zh_cn/ |
3. | vivo push | guangdong bbk electronic industry co., ltd. | message push | device information, device model | http://www.vivo.c om.cn/about-viv o/privacy-policy |
4. | meizu push | zhuhai meiwang technology co., ltd. | message push | device information, location, application information, network type, device model | https://www.meiz u.com/legal.html |
5. | huawei push | huawei technologies co., ltd | message push | device information, network type, device model, application information | https://developer .harmonyos.com/ cn/docs/design/d es-guides/privac y-statement-000 0001077380966 |
6. | oppo push | oppo guangdong mobile communication co., ltd. | message push | device information, device model, | https://privacy.oppo.com/cn/policy/ |
7. | wechat open platform | tencent technology (shenzhen) co., ltd. | wechat login authorization,wechat sharing, wechat payment, wechat collection | device information (imei, imsi, mac address, androidid), network information, wechat account information | https://privacy.qq.com/policy/tencent-privacypolicy |
8. | alibaba player | alibaba cloud computing co., ltd. | video playback service | uuid, device model, ip address | https://terms.aliyun.com/legal-agreement/terms/suit_bu1_ali_cloud/suit_bu1_ali_cloud202112151438_20307.html?spm=a2c4g.11186623.0.0.10da5ff2m0jmcp |
9. | netease yidun number authentication sdk | hangzhou netease intelligent enterprise technology co., ltd. | one-click registration of mobile phone number verification | unique device identification code (uuid), basic device information (device brand and model, device manufacturer, device running system version, name, system kernel information, device cpu architecture), log information (network connection status and type, ip address, dns, operator information) | https://dun.163.com/clause/privacy |
10. | top image device fingerprint sdk | beijing top image technology co., ltd. | device fingerprint generation | device related browser information, canvas fingerprint, ip address (obtained after user authorization) | https://www.dingxiang-inc.com/docs/detail/const-id#doc-h2-3 |
annex 2
please be aware:
1. in order to ensure the realization and operation of xtransfer app functions in safe and sable ways/ provide you with personalized services, we may apply to invoke certain permissions of your mobile device.
2. this list will show the possible mobile device permissions that we may apply to invoke. with the upgrade of xtransfer app/our functions, such as changes in the type and purpose of device permissions applied for or used, we will update this list in time.
3. please be aware that some third-party sdks we use may also apply for to invoke certain permissions of your mobile device.
invocation list of device permission for android system
android device permissions | purpose of use |
camera | id card recognition, qr code recognition, face recognition, uploading user information, video recording, taking photos, scanning and online service |
photo album | upload user information, face recognition, account opening and online service |
address book | image loading |
short message | automatically detect verification codes |
network communication | communicate with the server |
device information (phone status) | guarantee account, transaction security and transaction risk control |
invocation list of device permission for ios system
ios device permissions | purpose of use |
camera | id card recognition, qr code recognition, face recognition, uploading user information, video recording, taking pictures, scanning and online service |
photo album | set avatar, face recognition, open account and online service |
network communication | communicate with the server |